Saturday, October 23, 2010

Men in the Media

I'd be surprised to hear anyone argue with the documentary we watched in class on Thursday. I mean sure, there could be discrepancies with a few things; I won't deny that I was absolutely shocked to hear what Howard Stern had to say about the Columbine tragedy, and of course he is rather degrading to women, but any woman going on his show has to know what she is in for. I think maybe the maker of the documentary looked a little too deep into "Rocky" as I truly see that movie as nothing but an underdog story. But, as far as his main points went, I agree.

Especially in the south, so many boys are raised from the beginning to be "tough," and even as boys begin to grow up, I still think that many have the mind set that they need to be strong, they need to assert themselves to other boys, etc. I think it's probably a combination of having to prove to themselves that they are "manly" and that they are strong as well as feeling as though they have to prove this to other boys. I don't think this assertion includes violence against women in any way...I think men who engage in that sort of violence have some deeper seeded problems than just wanting to prove manliness. I think women do this as well, but not necessarily in the same context.

I think in many instances women dress for other women. They want to look nice so that other women will think they look nice. I personally have just gotten to a point in my life where I don't feel like I have to be, act, or dress in any certain way to fit a certain mold, or impress anyone other than myself. I think it just takes growing up, and even getting an education, for many men and women to realize that they don't have to fit those molds that are traditionally set for men or women.

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