Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Women in the Media

First, I want to quickly discuss the WWE video that we watched in the beginning of the class that seemed to spark so much controversy. Never is it ok for women to be treated in the way they were in the video, in the wrestling ring. I know that there are people who watch these wrestlers and idolize them for the things they do and they way they treat people but honestly, do these people really not know that the entire thing is fake and in no way real? Again, no, it's not alright, but it's also not real. The people who watch wrestling and think that it is real, I don't see how they could be very educated or have been raised in an environment where their parents told them that this isn't the way ANYONE, woman or otherwise, deserves to be treated. The performers in wrestling, men and women, I suppose should take more responsibility for their actions. I don't think that the men are the only ones to blame because the women wrestlers go into those situations knowing EXACTLY what is going to happen to them. They're actors, and nothing more.

During our discussion at the end of class it seemed that the biggest question was why is it ok to show domestic violence and such in movies and in television and as I stated before, it's not. It's not because so many people have a hard time separating real life and what they see on t.v. Through classes such as this, and with the help of parents better educating their children, I think the entire situation will get better because people will learn the impact this kind of thing has on certain people as well as children.

Until next week!

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